Monday 31 January 2011

Tree Tube scene with rain

Below is the rainy version of the tree tube scene.

The rain was created by importing a rain texture, drops and white detail were then added with Corel Painter. A white reflection of the rain was also added on the people, the tree tubes and buildings.

The rainy version of the tree tube scene is more effective than the previous piece; this is because the white reflectivity of the rain blends the detail with the abstract to give a more “watered down” look to the scene. it appears more like it was created with 1 visual style in mind, it brings the 2D and 3D together.

A texture of rain was used because of time constraints, adding the drops individually on a overlay layer would have been more effective, this would have picked up the colour detail behind the drop, this would have looked more affective around the tubes, if the drops were reflecting the light, however due to time restraints, this was the next most effective way of achieving the look of rain.

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