Friday 7 January 2011

Choosing environments or Vehicles

For BA5: Focus 2 I chose to create environments of a futuristic dystopian city because:
I was pleased with the environmental concepts in the previous project and wanted to continue to create more.

I enjoyed making concepts by combining modelling in 3D and texturing and adding weathering affects in 2D afterward. I want to develop this method of visual and see where in the creative industry it could fit.

My previous project didn’t have a distinctive visual style; I want to create a distinctive look for the futuristic dystopia.

I feel that environments have a greater opportunity to look original in comparison to vehicles.

In the previous project, modelling and texturing vehicles took longer to do than the environments, it would be more productive to develop what I am currently quicker at doing, especially as iterative design is a large focus in this project.

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