Monday, 7 February 2011

Anthropomorphic Characterisation

After the character progression sheets I found an animal that best suited the designed characters traits.
What was needed was an animal that moved in an interesting way and shared the same type of frame as the character (a thin animal), that could fly, jump or run in a way that the character could interpret while using the jet pack.

A Cheetah best suited the designedcharacter because of the Cat family; it is thinner than and not as powerful as a tiger for example. This fit my characters traits as the character is thin due to being poor. The way the Cheetah runs could be easily interpreted into dynamic jumps and landings from a jetpack, the biggest difficulty would be transposing four legged movement onto a two legged, upright human.

ISome experimentation sketches were then created using reference images of a Cheetah stalking, running and walking. The Cheetah characteristic then influenced the design process. the character was drawn lowering his head and arching his back, the torso was made wider at the top and thin near the waist, the limbs became longer and thinner, this helped in recreating the same limb angles in the legs. Billowing fabric was also added to mimic the Cheetahs tail.

The Cheetah drawings was an opportunity to try different clothing for the character, I focused on shoulder pads, what fabric would cover the torso and what parts of the jet-pack would be visible from the front. Colour to define one piece of fabric and where it would go on the character.

Below are some Cheetah design drawings.

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