Monday, 31 January 2011

Silhouette city with different weather

A series of final concepts were created using the silhouettes from the first part of the project. This was done to show how the architecture may look once combined in a scene.

Emphasis was placed in creating a picture with a number of different weather and lighting conditions. Therefore three levels of buildings had their own layer, which could be manipulated individually. this process was a direct learning outcome of the tree in a tube final concepts, and the trouble found when creating the different weather conditions in them.

time was spent on ensuring only 1 visual style was produced in the piece, not combining software packages ensured this.

The piece could benefit from more fine detail and depth to the buildings, to make them look more run down. this could also be done by adding vents or tubes or more wires.

The series of pictures only took a few hours to produce; it was a great improvement on turn around time in comparison to the tree in tubes concept pieces.

The settled snow on the buildings was created with only 1 stroke of a soft chalk brush on Corel Painter, this greatly increased productivity time.

The rain affect was achieved by using the colour dodge tool on an overlay layer, enabling the raindrops to take on the colour of the windows (another direct improvement from the tree in a tube pieces).

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